I have been on this mission from the Lord…literally…to gain some sense of order and simplicity in our home. I have spent the last several weeks decluttering, cleaning, sorting, organizing and thinking about the systems I have in place to help my family and me to function well. I have learned so much…I am so thankful somebody out there invented flickr! For those of us that are visual learners, flickr is a blessing! My favorite groups are Work Spaces, Craft Rooms, Pretty Organized and Corners of My Home.
This whole organize my home/life/family journey began last fall when I began to seek out my calling as a wife, mother and keeper of the home. I have so much to tell about what I've learned…but for now I'll just post this and scooch my tired body to bed. Tomorrow I go to work…and on a labor and delivery unit on a Friday it promises to be a busy day…I'll need my rest!
The picture above of my journal, planner and notebook. I would like to throw some link love to Leo at Zen Habits. My favorite post, Zen to Done is probably one of the most influential productivity/organization resources I have come across. Basically, Leo has synthesized David Allen's process of Getting Things Done + Flylady's concept of routines + Stephen Covey's values based priorities into his e-book ZTD (Zen to Done.) The system is perfect for me…fits all the aspects of my life and is implementable. On a personal note…I have ADD, Type 1 and being organized, focused and productive focused is practically impossible very challenging for me…ZTD allows for my personality quirks and gives me freedom to be the creative, spontaneously sidetracked person I was created to be…and still get the laundry done and pick my kids up from school on time!
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