27 January 2009

Mighty to Save...Laura Story

laura and martin's story will encourage you to remember HE is MigHty to SaVE...whatever is on your plate today...the ONe wHO Rose and ConquEREd the gRAve...the One who SpokE the sTARs into place...can handle it. Believe Him...Trust Him.

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.775696&w=425&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26]
more about "Mighty to Save...Laura Story", posted with vodpod

25 January 2009

Facebook | Casting Crowns

I think is one of the best songs out there right now...all genres, all the time

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.774685&w=425&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26]
more about "Facebook | Casting Crowns", posted with vodpod

16 January 2009

Not to do list 2009…

2008 is but a memory...and the new year beckons.  I love January.  To me it is 31 days of possibility....to remake, renew, repurpose.  Each new year offers a moment of beginning, a place to start fresh…many of us start the new year with a clean slate and a TO DO

Traditionalist that I am, I scratched out a simple TO DO 2009
list…but what about the alternative? What about a
list? I think there's some real potential in a {NOT TO DO}

Here's what I've decided I'm not going to do in 2009:

{NOT TO DO 2009}

1. I am not going to use my credit card for stuff I think I want (but don't really need.)

2. I am not going to forget to return dvds to Blockbuster.

3. I am not going to make a promise I cannot keep.

4. I am not going to miss out on fun activities with my girls because there are dishes or laundry to do.

5. I am not going to say 'yes' when I really mean 'no, thanks.'

Oh, and my TO DO 2009 list…

TO DO 2009

1. Save more than we spend...way more. (like that's a shocker)

2. Choose joy. (because the alternative is yucky)

3. Be inspired. (I'm a labor and delivery nurse...this is an easy one)

4. Believe God. (...why I struggle with this I'll never know this side of heaven_)

5. Give generously. (of my time, talents and treasures...but not my chocolate)

Kind of a broad, rather vague list, I know...the details will come over the remaining days in January.  I do have a few very specific projects I'd like to complete, but it's so much more interesting beginning with a wide, big picture view of the coming year.