27 July 2006

It's a boy!!!

Puppy that is. Kona arrived at our home in July and life hasn't been the same. He is a smart lil' chocolate lab that has all of us going "awww, isn't that cute!" at his every whimper.

Of course lil' labs grow up to be big 70 pound labs, so we are busy training him to be a well trained dog. He is almost housebroken (only 40,000 more poops and pees to clean up), can sit, lay down and will stay on command. It is so gratifying as a parent to have at least one member of the family unit that obeys the first time! :)

26 July 2006

You know it's summer when...

The aroma of tanning oil and sunscreen is stronger than the cinnamon roll scented candle burning on the mantle.

Homemade ice cream becomes an entree.

You don't match up socks in the laundry anymore because everyone (except Daddy) runs around barefoot or wearing flip-flops.

There is always time for one more bike ride before bedtime.

Kool aid packets litter the counter after kids come in from the outdoors to make yet another pitcher of the lime green stuff.

The pool bag remains packed and ready at the door 24/7.

The most exciting event on Saturday morning is making it the farmers market just as it opens to beat the midmorning heat.

Time takes on a new dimension as days get longer and warmer.

The grill cover is never replaced because something is cooked on it everyday.

Suddenly you are scouring all of your cookbooks and the internet for one more recipe for zucchini.

Searching for a shady area to park your minivan while shopping at Wal-Mart resembles the hunt for Sasquatch.

You are more willing to swing a little longer, walk a little slower and breathe a little deeper.