31 March 2007

One of the hardest things about moving has been the loss of close girlfriends. I'm not one of those girls who has always had a posse of friends, just one or two with whom I can share some of my deeper thoughts. I have not given “friendship development” the highest prayer devotion. I mean I have had my hands full this past year with nurturing my husband and children in this new life in Nebraska and praying for more relationships to commit time and energy to has not been a priority. I have reminded myself the Lord provides friendships and the precious ones He has provided have been gifts. God has placed two ladies in my life that I have felt a connection with and I have the privilege of having them over for tea this week. I am praying that our time of fellowship would be an encouragement to each other.

I so enjoy inviting people into my home. I like providing a comfortable environment, an attentive ear and delicious brewed tea for my family or special guest. However, one hurdle that has made hospitality non existent since our move has been CHAOS. I have not been able to get myself and family into a rhythm so that there is peace and order in my home...until recently. With the help of Flylady and Dr. Randy Carlson I am back on track, so to speak. I tend to procrastinate and mis-priortize my days, leaving those I care about most (and myself) with little of my genuine attention or time. Both Marla Cilley and Randy Carlson have used the power of the media (radio, internet, publishing) to help people like me lead focused, productive, God-honoring lives.

By following routines and living an intentional life there is peace in my heart and home. My eyes focus on Christ and not on the CHAOS that is around me. So this week as I invite my new friends into my clean, orderly home I am thankful for the ministries of Marla and Randy, for their devotion and love of the Lord and others. I am able to focus on my guest, not on clutter.

If you are like me, "sidetracked Sally", as my dear husband sometimes lovingly calls me, I encourage you to visit Flylady and Randy Carlson’s websites or listen to their radio show. Their encouragement, honesty and wisdom can provide you with the direction and focus you need to grow into the person God has designed you to be.

(Above image from Pottery Barn website)

27 March 2007

Reading is Fundamental…

Do you remember the RIF commercial when you were a kid? I remember the big van and the people in the commercial giving books away to kids. Imangine that! Free books! I have always loved reading, but actually being intentional about what I read only began when I was pregnant with my oldest daughter. I bought What to Expect When You’re Expecting and read it cover to cover. It was my mothering manual along with You are Your Child’s First Teacher (Rahima Baldwin) back in the early Mommy Years. I really wanted to be a good mommy and then in 1993 after I began following Christ, I really, really wanted to be a good mommy so the book reading about parenting exploded.

I still love to read non-fiction. I am a pretty practical person, so if I am going to burn daylight reading I had better be able to actually use the information I am consuming. You will notice my NF list is about twice as long as my fiction list. I have chosen my fiction books with great intention, hoping they will also have a utilitarian, usefulness about them. I also hope they are entertaining, I can certainly use a little less utilitarianism in my life, too.

So, in no particular order, here is my Spring Reading Thing 2007 reading list…

Non Fiction

The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn
My husband and I are just finishing a Crown Study and this book seems like a perfect way to end the course.

The Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie Omartian
I have had this book on my shelf for a long time and am more convicted than ever to F.I.N.I.S.H. it!

Crazy Horse by Mari Sandoz
Because I want to learn more about Nebraska and the people who live here.

The Power of Play: How Spontaneous, Imaginative Activities Lead to Happier, Healthier Children by David Elkind
This book looked interesting to me. Our philosophical approach, I guess, is that our girls have as much free time as possible to enjoy playing with each other and their friends. We provide a rich environment with dress up stuff, dolls, trucks, boxes, rocks, dirt and open space and let them fill in the blanks.

Queen Bees and Wannabes by Rosalind Wiseman
Being the mother of three girls, this book looked like it could provide some insight into the world of girls and their relationships with others.

12 Steps to Becoming a More Organized Woman by Lane P. Jordan
I love reading books on organizing and I have been slugging through this very handy book for a while.

The Best Life Diet by Bob Greene
I am choosing to live in a more healthy way…after having the babies I have slipped in my healthy habits…this book seemed honest and refreshing. I just wish the D word wasn’t in the title. I don’t believe in diets.

Having a Mary Spirit: Allowing God to Change Us from the Inside Out by Joanna Weaver
The back of the book reads: “You long to serve God with grace and strength, to reflect Christ in every word and action. Yet you find yourself continually struggling to bring that vision to life in your daily walk. At our very core, every one of us is a “twisted sister” within whom the flesh and disconnect between our good-girl desire to put Jesus first and our bad-girl realities that crowd our thoughts and push Him out of the way.” Yup…that sounds like me.

Body Clutter: Love Your Body, Body Yourself by Marla Cilley and Leanne Ely
I have followed Marla and the FlyLady Routines for years, she has been a wonderful blessing to our family!

To Know Him by Name by Kay Arthur and Timothy Botts
The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runs into it an is safe. Proverbs 18:10

I Feel Bad About My Neck and Other Thoughts on Being a Woman by Nora Ephron
Sleepless in Seattle, When Harry Met Sally and You’ve Got Mail are favorite chick flicks of mine…as a woman of a certain age as well, this book seems very entertaining.


The Giver by Lois Lowry
I have a friend who asked me to read this with her. I guess it is a banned book in many schools. I feel kind of like a rebel reading a banned book.

Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Patersen
I am intrigued by the movie, but I want to read the book first.

Light from Heaven by Jan Karon
I have read the Mitford series and enjoyed it immensely. I look forward to reading this in early June, just after the school year ends.

Big Stone Gap by Adriana Trigiani
The New York Times Book Review comment: “as comforting as a mug of chamomile tea on a rainy Sunday” and USA Today writes: "BIG STONE GAP is as comforting as a patchwork quilt, as charming as a country cottage. Readers would do well to fall into the nearest easy chair, cup of tea in hand, and savor the story of Ave Maria Mulligan." Sounds like my kind of story.

The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
A classic I haven’t read but am looking forward to devouring over the next few weeks.

Spring is on its way when...

The morning alarm becomes thunderstorms punctuated with lightning strikes.

Flowers begin peeking out from the mulch that was laid last fall.

The shelves in Wal-Mart's seasonal aisle are filled with sidewalk chalk, jumpropes and hula-hoops.

You are washing fewer socks because the kids are wearing flip flops or going bare foot.

You stock up on Shout and Oxyclean to get the mud stains out of the children's clothes.

The mailman delivers more garden and seed catalogs than bills.

Your carpet becomes a new color...muddy taupe.

Your little ones come running in the house with a fist full of the first flowers of spring...dandelions.

You hear the distant whack of baseballs at the neighborhood ball diamond.

Windows are thrown open at the first sign of temperatures above 60 degrees and fresh air fills the house.

You start visiting all the "organizing" websites for spring cleaning ideas.

Spring cleaning lasts about a day as the kids and the dog drag half of the garden over your freshly washed kitchen floors.

14 March 2007

Spring is just around the corner and one of my favorite verses comes to mind...

"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail.
They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."
Lamentations 3:22-23

I love that about God, every morning is new. I think that is why I love mornings, Mondays, the first day of the month, the first day of the year...and birthdays. I look forward to the newness, to a fresh start. I am so thankful God is faithful to renew His compassions each morning, He doesn't have to but in His infinite loving kindness He does.
